What I have found invaluable:
* How to add names, nsn numbers etc from 1 sheet to another sheet.
* The beauty of the little blue box on a highlighted cell. You can start writing the days of the week and drag the blue box across cells and the rest of the cells are automatically filled in correctly.
* The down arrows on the named sheet allows you to protect or hide a sheet.
We also looked at various ways this could be used with the learners and as a reflection tool for our own learning. Below I used what I learnt to analyse a students blog posts for 2018.
When creating this graph I used the automatic fill option by pulling down the little blue box. I inserted the graph and customised. I inserted the graph into google draw and wrote my questions/thoughts/ideas around the graph. We laso learnt how to embed the sheet straight into a blog to allow the blog post to be updated immediately when the sheet is updated. This eliminates the need to fix, download and insert the graph again.
Learning /Aha moments
* In the junior school we could should use google sheets to input our data and analyse it using sparkline for each learner. I will definitely be teaching the Jnr team this.
* WFR data can now be done in less time by filling in the more sheets that require the some of the same data.
Ramblings/ Rumblings
* How can this be used efficiently within the Junior school?
* This is an amazing rich task... what can I do to adapt and change it to meet the needs of my learners and colleagues?