Friday, 29 March 2019

DFI Session 4

So far this has been the most valuable and time saving session we have had. I have used google sheets for data collection, to create graphs and determine trends in Maths school wide and literacy in the Junior School  Often it has taken me ages to input the same data onto different sheets i.e. NSN numbers, DOB, Ethnicity etc. A lot of time was spent on inputting this data, this time can now be spent on the analysis and discussions around the results.

What I have found invaluable:
* How to add names, nsn numbers etc from 1 sheet to another sheet.
* The beauty of the little blue box on a highlighted cell. You can start writing the days of the week and drag the blue box across cells and the rest of the cells are automatically filled in correctly.
* The down arrows on the named sheet allows you to protect or hide a sheet.

We also looked at various ways this could be used with the learners and as a reflection tool for our own learning. Below I used what I learnt to analyse a students blog posts for 2018.

When creating this graph I used the automatic fill option by pulling down the little blue box. I inserted the graph and customised. I inserted the graph into google draw and wrote my questions/thoughts/ideas around the graph. We laso learnt how to embed the sheet straight into a blog to allow the blog post to be updated immediately when the sheet is updated. This eliminates the need to fix, download and insert the graph again.

Learning /Aha moments
* In the junior school we could should use google sheets to input our data and analyse it using sparkline for each learner. I will definitely be teaching the Jnr team this. 
* WFR data can now be done in less time by filling in the more sheets that require the some of the same data.

Ramblings/ Rumblings
* How can this be used efficiently within the Junior school?
* This is an amazing rich task... what can I do to adapt and change it to meet the needs of my learners and colleagues? 

Friday, 22 March 2019

DFI, Session 3

The DFI session today was informative and also really fun!. We explored the CREATE part of the Manaiakalani pedagogy. Some google tools we used to create with today were...

Google slides
Google draw

We also had Kent Somerville share his knowledge of creating using the drone and the many possibilities around delayed streaming, the possibilities of using the camera for film festival movies and live streaming.

I am proud to have completed my first animation using slides

I also had the opportunity to work on my digital pepeha with the help of Waha Tauhara. Thank you Waha for all your help with the pronunciation. I look forward to sharing this with you once I have learnt it.

Learnings/ AHA moments:
The quotes that Dorothy Burt shared with us really resonated with me especially as it linked back to my Learning Through Play, the Oral language acquisition and what I am hoping to achieve.

John Dewey:
Give the pupils something to do, not something to learn; and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking; learning naturally results.”

Kohl (2008) describes what creativity looks like in young children when she states, "Creativity focuses on the process of forming original ideas through exploration and discovery. In children, creativity develops from their experiences with the process, rather than concern for the finished product. Creativity is not to be confused with talent, skill, or intelligence. Creativity is not about doing something better than others, it is about thinking, exploring, discovering, and imagining" (Kohl, 2008).

Ramblings / Rumblings
* How can I ensure that the opportunities I provide for learners to create, exposes and assists them to learn in its fullest potential?
* How else am I able to respond to my learners needs using Create, Play and the Explain Everything app .

Friday, 15 March 2019

DFI, Session 2

Another DFI session today and lots of awesome tricks and valuable information shared to streamline working on a digital platform. Just a few of the amazing things covered in todays session are:
Learn: What this means as part of the Manaiakalani Pedagogy
Google Keep
Tobimini   and...
Hangouts/ Google meet

The pace of these sessions caters to all levels of abilities and provides opportunities to implement, try out, level up or ako ano. I absolutely love and appreciate that we have the expertise of so many knowledgeable people on hand to help and guide us through otherwise intimidating concepts. I cannot believe being on the digital journey as long as I have that I was unaware of all these streamlining options!

Below is an attempt I made with my group to use quicktime to record our hangout session. With lots of hilarious results, we managed to record our hangout session and although not perfect the potential for the use of recording ourselves and the rich discussions which occurs is HUGE!

I've already thought about how I can use this with the learners during conferencing and enabling them to use our AKO ANO. This could also be used during Team meetings when discussing our data and saved to form part of our evidence. What about the way it affords us the ability to listen and watch without being present in the room as we have so many other obligations and sometimes meeting in 1 physical space is hard.

Learning/AHA moment:
Really hard to choose this week but I think the main takeaways are:
*Google hangout and recording with quicktime
*Tobimini- quick and easy to group websites besides using bookmarks.

Ramblings/ Rumblings
* Does the team have a common understanding of LEARN?
* How can google hangout or google meet be used within a junior class setting...
* Do all things necessarily have to be used in my classroom or is using it for streamlining my workflow enough?

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Teacher Appraisal PD

Today I attended the Appraisal Workshop by Dr Wendy Moore. I needed to develop my assessment for learning and leadership capability. It was an informative session that gave me lots to think about and ways to improve and streamline my current workflow.

Wendy covered:
* Conceptual framework for Appraisal
* Compliance Components
* Components of an effective appraisal system.
* Collation of evidence

I now have the tools to go away and help my colleagues in identifying the focus and ensuring we work smarter. It was also great to be able to discuss our current processes with Kiri and map out how we can move forward this year using our Teachers spiral of inquiry, our Professional blog and Appraisal documentation.


Friday, 8 March 2019

DFI, Session 1

8 March 2019

Attending the Digital Fluency Intensive is a must for all teachers using a digital platform for teaching and learning. I learnt lots of new 'tricks' and ideas that will make learning and communicating easier with the learners and wider school community.
Having been in the cluster since 2007, it was great to be reminded of the journey thus far. It was also great to hear the ideas and pedagogy shared at Learning through Play reiterated today when Dorothy stated that:
" Deliberate acts of teaching is the fundamental element in the LEARN part of the Manaiakalani Kaupapa."

Learnings/ AHA moments

I was able to take all my learning from today and compile it into an info graphic which we also learnt how to do.
Implementation with New Entrants? ....YES!
My New Entrants could use voice typing to work on pronunciation and punctuation.
Info Graphics to share learning.

I can also see the ease of using google groups and headings and table of contents to share with my colleagues and management. Life has suddenly become a little easier.

Ramblings/ Rumblings
* Is it possible to have EE and Docs work together to help improve and accelerate my learners?
* Is their a possibility to include play based learning using some of the ideas and tricks....

Monday, 4 March 2019

Learning Through Play

4 March 2019Learning through Play

On Saturday I had the opportunity to attend the Learning through play Foundation Workshop presented by Longworth Education. It was an incredibly motivating day allowing me time for reflection and giving me a deeper understanding of the importance of play for our learners.

In response to the need for social skills and oral language learning needs, Panmure Bridge has been on this journey for a few years now. The workshop helped affirm what we have already been doing at school through our purposefully designated play classroom,  Flying Fives.  The next step on our journey was to implement play throughout the junior school classrooms while still ensuring a balance of direct intentional instruction and self directed exploration.

As I am taking the New Entrant class this year, I was questioning whether my current practise of pulling learners for guided sessions and doing whole class structured activities in the morning was the correct path to take. Doing play based learning in the classroom and visiting Flying Fives twice a week afforded me the opportunity to have guided explicit teaching as well as a chance to interact with the learners uninterrupted. It felt fantastic hearing them actually recommend a similar manner of running learning through play every day whole day.

Learnings/ AHA moments.
* Do away with topic and or themes...provide provocations instead.
* Authentic play develops higher cognitive and socio skills i.e. cannot be teacher driven.
* Learners are dominating the talk in play based learning and this provides lots of opportunity for vocabulary enrichment and gifting of language.

Ramblings / Rumblings:
* How can I enhance the learning through play with the use of iPads?
* Am I to focussed on the product and not focussing enough on the process (level learners are at vs learning achieved)?